  • The Church of Five Points
    • This is an inter-race cult-like faith that believes there is a reason the five races now exist in the city of Solus
  • The Mayors Office
    • While the City Council aims to administer and give fair rule and regulation between all five races, there is an elected Mayor to oversee the city. Some see this as a stool pigeon, others as the voice of reason when the council cannot agree. This office incorporates the elected official and those that serve the will of the mayor.
  • Project Genesis
    • Based on a history of consolidating known sciences and history that has come to Solus, this group is using what limited resources are an available with the hope of reaching portal status. While studying the sky above, they hope to find a new potential home. The only way off for them is again portals to a new world.
  • Solus City Council
    • A body made up of electives from each race meant to counter balance the mayor and keep the city functioning equally for all inhabitants of Solus.
  • Solus City Works
    • Utilities. Anything working in the city and related to its overall infrastructure is handled by Cityworks.
  • The Underground Development Corp
    • This unit is slowly delving into the space station beneath the city. There is no telling where new corridors or chambers open up to, in some cases dead space. Its dangerous work because of this. Sometimes holdouts of Kaijanen are found. But there are resources to find here, storage units, knowledge to better understand our home. The UDC is the group responsible for this.
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